Robert Mueller III, the special counsel investigating Russian interference in last year’s presidential election, has boosted his team of lawyers to 13 and plans to hire several more, his spokesman, Peter Carr, said on Friday. Since his appointment on May 17, Mueller, a former FBI director, has recruited a high-powered team of lawyers, investigators and… more

President Donald Trump on Friday began rolling back some of his predecessor’s actions that were meant to engage Cuba after more than a half-century of isolation by the United States. “We will not be silent in the face of communist oppression any longer,” the president said, announcing that effective immediately, the U.S. will enforce the… more

The electronic bleeps and squawks of “Tetris,” “Donkey Kong” and other generation-shaping games that you may never have thought of as musical are increasingly likely to be playing at a philharmonic concert hall near you. From the “ping … ping”  of Atari’s 1972 ground-breaking paddle game “Pong,” the sounds, infectious ditties and, with time, fully-formed… more

У Дніпрі колишньому добровольцеві Денису Гордєєву, якого обвинувачують у вбивстві співробітника Служби безпеки України, продовжили термін утримання під вартою ще на 2 місяці. Відповідне рішення у четвер ухвалив Ленінський районний суд Дніпра. Таким чином, суд задовольнив вимогу сторони обвинувачення. Суд також задовольнив клопотання сторони захисту щодо зміни запобіжного заходу двом бійцям-добровольцям, які проходять у справі… more

Facebook has revealed it is using artificial intelligence in its ongoing fight to prevent terrorist propaganda from being disseminated on its platform. “We want to find terrorist content immediately, before people in our community have seen it,” read the message posted Thursday. “Already, the majority of accounts we remove for terrorism we find ourselves. But… more

На території об’єкту Світової спадщини ЮНЕСКО «Київ: собор святої Софії та прилеглі чернечі будівлі, Києво-Печерська лавра» руйнують і перебудовують пам’ятки архітектури та зводять нові об’єкти без узгодження з ЮНЕСКО та без надання Києво-Печерському заповіднику проектно-дозвільної документації. Про це повідомляють журналісти програми «Схеми» (спільний проект Радіо Свобода та каналу «UA:Перший»), спираючись на матеріали моніторингу наукового відділу… more

The U.S. Senate voted 98-2 Thursday to approve sweeping sanctions against Russia and make it harder for President Donald Trump to ease punitive measures against Moscow. “We have no time to waste,” said Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona. “The United States of America needs to send a strong message to [Russian President] Vladimir Putin… more

Police in Washington have issued arrest warrants for 14 people, including Turkish security agents, for their alleged role in assaulting protesters outside the Turkish Embassy following a visit to the White House by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan last month. “Using video of the incident, law enforcement has been able to identify the majority of… more

Генеральна прокуратура України у співпраці з Департаментом юстиції США забезпечила повернення понад півмільйона доларів, які за правління Віктора Януковича вивело з України Міністерство юстиції. Про це у Facebook повідомив генпрокурор Юрій Луценко. «Сьогодні департаментом міжнародно-правового співробітництва Генеральноі прокуратури України у тісній співпраці з Департаментом юстиції США забезпечено повернення в Україну понад 500 тисяч доларів США»,… more

President Donald Trump on Thursday ordered more money and a bigger role for private companies in designing apprenticeship programs meant to fill some of the 6 million open jobs in the U.S.   Trump signed an executive order to roughly double to $200 million the taxpayer money spent on learn-to-earn programs. The money would come… more

Typewriter enthusiasts gather at an Albuquerque restaurant to experiment with vintage Smith Coronas. Fans in Boston kneel in a city square and type stories about their lives during a pro-immigration demonstration. A documentary on typewriters featuring Tom Hanks and musician John Mayer is set for release this summer. In the age of smartphones, social media… more

Activists behind an app designed to assist doctors document evidence of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo aim to go beyond obtaining justice for rape victims and collect data that could help secure prosecutions for war crimes. Developed by Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), MediCapt allows clinicians to record medical examination results… more

Українське представництво правозахисної організації «Міжнародна амністія» заявляє про зрив у Києві акції проти сексизму, насилля та сексуальних домагань в університетському середовищі, що тривала на території університету «Києво-Могилянська академія». «Нападники погрожували активісткам вчинити над ними сексуальне насильство і силою намагалися «вручити квіти», які вони принесли з собою. Один із них спробував зірвати значок Amnesty International з… more

Members of the New York Army National Guard will gather at its upstate headquarters to mark the 242nd birthday of the United States Army. Wednesday afternoon’s ceremony will be held at the state Division of Military and Naval Affairs facility in the Albany suburb of Latham. State officials say the traditional cake-cutting ceremony for the… more

Steve Scalise, a Republican congressman from Louisiana and House Majority Whip was shot and wounded during a baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia, near Washington, on June 14, 2017. Gabrielle Giffords, former Democrat congresswoman from Arizona, was shot in the head in 2011 in her Tuscon district during a constituency meeting. She survived the attack and… more

A man dressed in a UPS uniform and armed with an “assault pistol” opened fire at a United Parcel Service package sorting hub in San Francisco, killing three people before turning the gun on himself, police said. Police did not identify the suspect or say if he was a UPS employee. They told a news… more

За добу у зоні бойових дій на сході України жоден український військовий не постраждав, але обстріли з боку бойовиків тривають. Про це йдеться у вечірньому зведенні штабу. «Загалом, бойовики 14 разів обстріляли опорні пункти Збройних сил України. Більшість із цих порушень бойовиками режиму припинення вогню зафіксована на Приморському напрямку», – повідомили у штабі. За даними… more

Musicians tend to talk about their instruments in terms of tone and sound as often as the brand. Electric guitarists are no different, and they can expound on the ‘bright’ sound of the Fender or the bass heavy Gibsons. But now there is a 3-D-printed electric guitar, and that could just be the beginning for… more

British Prime Minister Theresa May and French President Emmanuel Macron are joining forces in order to crack down on tech companies, ensuring they step up their efforts to combat terrorism online. Britain and France face similar challenges in fighting homegrown Islamist extremism and share similar scars from deadly attacks that rocked London, Manchester, Paris and… more

Fake news, propaganda and disinformation has always existed. What sets today apart from years gone by is its rapid dissemination and global reach, experts say.  Concerns raised by the instant propagation of fake news in the digital age and the harmful impact it has on the credibility and independence of journalism, democratic values and human… more

Tony Sabia walks into a barbershop in Vienna, Virginia, for a haircut and shave. About 30 minutes later, he is on his way home for a shower. With his suit already pressed, it takes him only a few minutes to get dressed for the big dance. For Kailey Margolies, it takes hours. “I had to… more

Uber’s embattled CEO Travis Kalanick announced Tuesday that he is taking a leave of absence from the company for an unspecified amount of time. He made the announcement to employees over email saying he needed to mourn the loss of his mother, who died in a boating accident last month. He also said he need… more

Members of Army medic James McCloughan’s unit in Vietnam called him “Doc.” Now, those soldiers, several of whom McCloughan saved during the ferocious, dayslong Battle of Nui Yon Hill in 1969, will have a new name for him: Medal of Honor recipient. Army spokeswoman Valerie L. Mongello said Tuesday that the 71-year-old from South Haven,… more

Спеціальна моніторингова місія ОБСЄ повідомляє про те, що зафіксувала застосування на Луганщині реактивної системи залпового вогню «Град» у період 11-12 червня. Про це йдеться у звіті місії, оприлюдненому 13 червня. За даними місії, у ніч на 12 червня під час перебування у Кадіївці (колишній Стаханов), що під контролем угруповання «ЛНР», СММ зафіксувала близько 140 вибухів… more

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has defended President Donald Trump’s proposal to sharply cut spending on diplomacy and foreign aid while proposing large increases in military spending. The president’s 2018 proposed budget would cut spending at the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) by 32 percent and boost Defense Department spending… more