The head of the U.S. immigration agency is railing against a California mayor for giving a heads-up to the undocumented immigrant community right before raids in the northern part of the state. Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf on Saturday announced that she had learned through “unofficial channels” that the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, or… more

U.S. President Donald Trump held a roundtable discussion on gun control Wednesday with a group of senators, during which he accused them of being “afraid” of the National Rifle Association, the powerful gun lobby. At the bipartisan meeting, Trump said he would give “very serious thought” to a proposal to raise to 21 from 18 the age… more

Facebook wants to make it easier for people to find low-skilled jobs online. After testing the new software in U.S. and Canada since last year, Facebook added job postings Wednesday in another 40 countries across Europe and elsewhere. The software works with both Apple and PC operating systems. Users can find openings using the Jobs… more

Several high-tech companies are teaming up on a plan to put a mobile phone network on the moon next year. Vodaphone Germany, Nokia, and Audi are working on a mobile network and robotic vehicles that are part of a private expedition to the moon, timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary year of the first… more

У міжнародній правозахисній організації Freedom House заявили, що парламент України ризикує поставити під загрозу демократію в країні, якщо проголосує за законопроекти, які збільшать державний моніторинг інститутів громадянського суспільства, йдеться у заяві від 28 лютого. У документі вказується, що спроби поставити громадянське суспільство під контроль влади, «схожі на дії, що вживаються в Росії і Казахстані». «Верховна… more