Brazil’s top court is expected to make a ruling this week that could lead to the annulment of dozens of cases brought by the sprawling Operation Car Wash that has snared top politicians and businesspeople across Latin America. The probe, once heralded as a model of anti-corruption efforts, has been heavily criticized in Brazil following… more

Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno announced an end to government subsidies for holding down fuel prices and said Tuesday night that he will send congress a proposal to overhaul taxes and labor rules as a way to revitalize the economy. In an address broadcast on television and radio, Moreno said he was eliminating the $1.3 billion… more

Johnson & Johnson said on Tuesday it will pay $20.4 million to settle claims by two Ohio counties, allowing the U.S. healthcare giant to avoid an upcoming federal trial seeking to hold the industry responsible for the nation’s opioid epidemic. J&J became the fourth drugmaker to settle claims ahead of the Federal Court trial against… more

U.S. President Donald Trump wanted a trench filled with snakes and alligators along an electric-charged border wall topped with flesh-piercing spikes, The New York Times reports. The newspaper says the president also suggested U.S. soldiers shoot migrants in the legs if they try to cross into the United States before staffers talked him out of… more

U.S. Attorney General William Barr is personally involved in investigating President Donald Trump’s complaints that he and his campaign were improperly targeted by U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies during the 2016 election campaign. Barr earlier this year began to investigate the investigators who looked into whether his campaign colluded with Russia. Moscow interfered in… more

Egypt is displaying a gilded ancient coffin returned to the country last week from New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art after U.S. investigators determined to be a looted antiquity.   The coffin once held the mummy of Nedjemankh, a priest in the Ptolemaic Period some 2,000 years ago. It was put on display on Tuesday… more

A man with a knife-like weapon killed one person and wounded at least nine others Tuesday at a shopping center in central Finland, police said. The attacker has also been wounded and is in custody.     Police said they were forced to use a gun to stop the violence at the Hermanni shopping center,… more

Активісти російської ініціативної групи «Стратегія-30» продовжують традицію щомісячних одиночних пікетів на підтримку кримських політичних в’язнів. Учасники акції 30 вересня вийшли на проспект академіка Сахарова в Москві з іменами тих, хто залишається в ув’язненні на території анексованого Криму і в Росії. Незважаючи на звільнення 35 полонених громадян України, в тюрмах залишаються люди за долі яких потрібно… more

Bernie Sanders said, “I hate asking people for money” — and then asked for money. Joe Biden’s campaign warned that President Donald Trump would “feel like he won” if a fundraising goal wasn’t reached. And Beto O’Rourke offered to “try to text you” in exchange for $5. In the days and hours before Monday’s third-quarter… more

Державне бюро розслідувань України відкрило кримінальне провадження стосовно колишнього генерального прокурора Юрія Луценка, повідомила речниця ДБР Анжеліка Іванова в коментарі Радіо Свобода. «Дійсно, зареєстроване провадження за заявою народного депутата України чинного щодо можливого вчинення кримінального правопорушення колишнім генпрокурором за попередньою змовою з іншими особами, а саме – зловживання службовим становищем шляхом сприяння незаконному зайняттю гральним… more

Влада Нідерландів звернулася в прокуратуру Росії з проханням посприяти в пошуку підозрюваного в справі збиття літака рейсу MH17 Володимира Цемаха, заявив нідерландський посол Роб Свартбол, повідомляє російський «Інтерфакс». «Нещодавно відбувся обмін між Україною і Росією. Уряд Нідерландів зараз звернувся до російської прокуратури за допомогою, щоб знайти цю людину, поспілкуватися з нею і також зібрати можливу… more

Mark Sanford, the most prominent primary challenger to President Donald Trump, has said he won’t solicit contributions from his longtime donor base until he’s “proven a measure of electoral success.” Bill Kristol has yet to fully activate a super PAC aimed at hurting Trump’s reelection chances.   And Stuart Stevens, the top strategist for Sen.… more

Australia has confirmed that U.S. President Donald Trump asked Prime Minister Scott Morrison to help investigate the origins of the Mueller report. The request to assist an investigation led by Attorney General William Barr reportedly came shortly before Morrison’s visit to the United States last week. Australia has said it will use its “best endeavors”… more

Former national security adviser John Bolton says North Korea will never give up its nuclear weapons voluntarily. In his first speech after being ousted from the Trump administration, Bolton said North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un will do “whatever he can to keep a deliverable nuclear weapons capability.”  Bolton’s talk Monday coincided with a North… more