A storm off Japan’s east coast remained a threat to the Tokyo Olympics on Tuesday, despite not battering the host city with devastating winds and rain as initially feared.  Wind and rain sweeping Tokyo Bay delayed the start of the women’s triathlon early in the morning, before Flora Duffy snagged Bermuda’s first-ever Olympic gold medal.  The… more

Some Haitian officials are expressing doubt and criticism about U.S. Special Envoy Daniel Foote’s mission in Haiti after he had meetings over the weekend with National Police Chief Leon Charles and Senate President Joseph Lambert.   “(This is just) one more American official. But to do what?” Senator Patrice Dumont, one of 10 Haitian senators… more

The Kenyan government waives a visa requirement for South Sudanese nationals; relatives of a South Sudanese journalist recently released from detention express concern over his health; and Zimbabwe receives one million COVID-19 vaccines from China amid fears of a third wave of infections in the African country. …… more

Cryptocurrencies make headlines for shaking up the financial world, but they are also gaining ground in less developed countries. In Kenya, an American economist, who introduced blockchain technology for low-income urban customers, has extended the cashless system to the countryside. On a lush green farm in Kilifi on Kenya’s tropical Indian Ocean coast, 26-year-old farmer… more

The French parliament early Monday approved a bill that will make COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory for health workers as well as require a health pass in a wide array of social venues as France battles with a fourth wave of coronavirus infections. Visitors heading to museums, cinemas or swimming pools in France are already denied entry… more

Підконтрольний Кремлю Євпаторійський міський суд в окупованому Криму заарештував Ібрагімова на три доби за публікації у соціальній мережі «Вконтакте» забороненої в Росії релігійної символіки в 2013 році …… more

Денісова нагадала, що завтра у Південному окружному військовому суді в російському Ростові-на-Дону відбудеться судове засідання у четвертій Бахчисарайській «справі Хізб ут-Тахрір» …… more

Cameroon says hundreds of civilians have fled Sagme, a northern village on the border with Nigeria, after a Boko Haram attack Saturday that left eight government troops dead and 13 wounded, according to a press release. The Cameroonian military deployed to the area and said fighters were also killed.     Cameroon’s military says about… more