Very few companies can boast of having their name also used as a verb. Zoom is one of them. The popularity of the videoconferencing platform continues to grow around the world despite continued questions about whether Chinese authorities are monitoring the calls. Since Zoom became a household word last year during the pandemic, internet users… more

Facebook in India has been selective in curbing hate speech, misinformation and inflammatory posts, particularly anti-Muslim content, according to leaked documents obtained by The Associated Press, even as its own employees cast doubt over the company’s motivations and interests. From research as recent as March of this year to company memos that date back to… more

Російський учений-фізик і бізнесмен Валентин Гапонцев помер у США на 83 році життя. Його статки журнал Forbes оцінював у 2,8 мільярда доларів. Гапонцев займався виробництвом і продажем промислових лазерів. Заснована ним IPG Photonics – один з найбільших виробників промислових лазерів в світі, її ринкова капіталізація становить 8,9 мільярда доларів. У січні 2018 року Гапонцев, у… more

Раніше в суботу в Держприкордонслужбі України повідомили, що 25-річній громадянці Росії, яка прибула з Іспанії до Києва, заборонили в’їзд в Україну через незаконне відвідування анексованого Криму …… more

Apple has updated its App Store rules to allow developers to contact users directly about payments, a concession in a legal settlement with companies challenging its tightly controlled marketplace. According to App Store rules updated Friday, developers can now contact consumers directly about alternate payment methods, bypassing Apple’s commission of 15 or 30%. They will… more

A former Facebook worker reportedly told U.S. authorities Friday the platform has put profits before stopping problematic content, weeks after another whistleblower helped stoke the firm’s latest crisis with similar claims. The unnamed new whistleblower filed a complaint with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the federal financial regulator, that could add to the company’s… more