Voice-activated virtual assistant technologies, such as Siri and Alexa, are becoming increasingly common around the world, but in Africa, with its many languages, most people are at a digital disadvantage. To address the problem, some African researchers are creating translation tools to recognize and promote indigenous languages, such as Yoruba.  Yoruba language teacher Oluwafemi Awosanya… more

Voice activated virtual assistant technologies, such as Siri and Alexa, are becoming increasingly common around the world but in Africa, with its many languages, most people are at a digital disadvantage.  To address the problem, some African researchers are creating translation tools to recognize and promote indigenous languages, such as Yoruba. Timothy Obiezu in Abuja… more

Катар є одним з основних світових виробників скрапленого природного газу і входить до країн, які, як сподіваються США, можуть допомогти Європі у разі повномасштабного вторгення Росії в Україну …… more

Переговори стануть частиною «вимогливого діалогу» з Росією і дадуть можливість отримати «роз’яснення» з приводу намірів Москви щодо України, заявив президент Франції …… more

It’s a key part of President Joe Biden’s plans to fight major ransomware attacks and digital espionage campaigns: creating a board of experts that would investigate major incidents to see what went wrong and try to prevent the problems from happening again — much like a transportation safety board does with plane crashes. But eight… more