Meta on Tuesday said it purged thousands of Facebook accounts that were part of a widespread online Chinese spam operation trying to covertly boost China and criticize the West. The campaign, which became known as “Spamouflage,” was active across more than 50 platforms and forums including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and X, formerly known as… more

A global operation led by the FBI has dismantled one of the most notorious cybercrime tools used to launch ransomware attacks and steal sensitive data. U.S. law enforcement officials announced on Tuesday that the FBI and its international partners had disrupted the Qakbot infrastructure and seized nearly $9 million in cryptocurrency in illicit profits. Qakbot,… more

Toyota said Tuesday it has been hit by a technical glitch forcing it to suspend production at all 14 factories in Japan. The world’s biggest automaker gave no further details on the stoppage, which began Tuesday morning, but said it did not appear to be caused by a cyberattack. The company said the glitch prevented… more

The tech industry is rushing to unlock the potential of artificial intelligence, and AI hackathons — daylong collaborations using the technology to tackle real-world problems — are increasing in popularity. From the state of Washington, Natasha Mozgovaya has more. …… more

Повідомляється, що до початку повномасштабного вторгнення РФ чоловік покинув лави бойовиків та приховано виїхав на підконтрольну Україні територію, де намагався «залягти на дно» …… more

У Росії з початку повномасштабного вторгнення в Україну постійно змінюється і доповнюється законодавство у сфері призову і залучення громадян до армії …… more

OpenAI on Monday said it was launching a business version of ChatGPT as its artificial intelligence sensation grapples with declining usership nine months after its historic debut. ChatGPT Enterprise will offer business customers a premium version of the bot, with “enterprise grade” security and privacy enhancements from previous versions, OpenAI said in a blog post.… more

Organized cybercrime is set to pose a threat to Canada’s national security and economic prosperity over the next two years, a national intelligence agency said on Monday. In a report released Monday, the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) identified Russia and Iran as cybercrime safe havens where criminals can operate against Western targets. Ransomware attacks on… more

Раніше 28 серпня прокурори Вищого кримінального суду Іспанії заявили, що відкрили попереднє розслідування дій Рубіалеса на тій підставі, що це може бути кваліфіковане як злочин «сексуального насильства» …… more

За словами глави держави, про це йшлося на окремій нараді, яку провели з участю представників Міністерства з питань стратегічних галузей промисловості, «Укроборонпрому» та керівників вітчизняних виробництв …… more

«З метою уникнення будь-яких маніпуляцій щодо намірів, контексту та висловлювань, присвоєних Святішому Отцеві, ми очікуємо від Святого Престолу пояснення цієї ситуації» – заява УГКЦ …… more

Ask Alexa or Siri about the weather. But if you want to save someone’s life? Call 911 for that. Voice assistants often fall flat when asked how to perform CPR, according to a study published Monday. Researchers asked voice assistants eight questions that a bystander might pose in a cardiac arrest emergency. In response, the… more

Tesla Inc TSLA.O is set to defend itself for the first time at trial against allegations that failure of its Autopilot driver assistant feature led to death, in what will likely be a major test of Chief Executive Elon Musk’s assertions about the technology. Self-driving capability is central to Tesla’s financial future, according to Musk,… more